Benefit from lower electricity costs and make optimum use of your self-generated solar or wind energy for your smart home without changing your consumption. Intelligent energy management technology distributes electricity efficiently, making your appliances with Home Connect even smarter.
Energy Management

Solar-power your home.
Now the power is in your hands with Home Connect and Enphase.
More about EnphaseSmappee

Integrate your Home Connect enabled appliances into Smappee’s energy management ecosystem to start them automatically, optimize their energy consumption and control their energy costs in the long term.
More about SmappeeOhmConnect

Meet OhmConnect and get rewarded for saving energy
With Home Connect, you’re energy efficient, but there is more you can do. Link your appliances to OhmConnect, a free service that alerts you when energy is expensive, reduce your energy usage when it matters most and get rewarded. Just plug your appliance into a smart plug and link it to your OhmConnect account. Get more from your appliances and save energy with ease - it’s better for your wallet and the planet.