Imagine if you no longer had to think of everything because there were services to take care of some of the most tedious tasks. The Amazon Service is one of those services. With Amazon your Home Connect dishwasher reorders dishwashers tablets when you are running low, so that you never run out of tablets again

Smart reordering via the Amazon Alexa app
Smart reordering of dishwasher tabs can be used via the Amazon Alexa app as of Nov 23, 2020. To use smart reorders via the Alexa app, start by enabling the Home Connect dishwasher skill. Automatic replenishment and being reminded via mail is already supported, voice support will follow soon.

Smart reordering of dishwasher tabs can be used via the Amazon Alexa app as of Nov 23, 2020.
1) Enable the Home Connect dishwasher skill and Alexa will find your device
2) Set up smart reorders and select favourite dishwasher tabs to order from Amazon
3) Adjust your preferred replenishment settings and register how many tabs you have left