There’s more to Home Connect than meets the eye. News from the world of smart appliances, useful tips for household management and lots of inspiration to make your life easier every day – it’s just a small sample of what the app has to offer.

Indoor Gardening
Have you ever dreamed of growing your own food, or owning a farm? Do your eyes sparkle at the mention of an allotment? While many aspects of a lifestyle decorated with haystacks and horses might be far out of reach, one part of the dream is very much achievable: growing your own food.

Cuisine routine
Are you a cooking novice confronted with restaurants everywhere closing? You’ve come to the right place. Here we’ll give you top tips to re-energize your cuisine routine during self-isolation, this is the season where you become a seasoned chef.
Going zero waste with Home Connect
What can we do as individuals to reduce household waste?
Besides the obvious things, such as separating waste and avoiding plastics, there are a number of steps each one of us can take to ensure that we leave a planet behind that is livable for generations to come. Reducing household waste with the help of home appliances with Home Connect is one of them.

Local superfoods
For some the word ‘superfood’ conjures the image of Popeye with his can of spinach, for others it brings to mind colorful health bowls densely packed with vitamins and vegetables. Over the years as new foods have come in and out of fashion we have also seen huge ecological and social impacts on origin countries.
Home office with Home Connect
We prepared a couple of tips that will help you make the most out of home office. Working smart beats working hard – and we know a thing or two about smart stuff ;)

When mini-houses make it big
When it comes to your own four walls, bigger usually means better. Who wouldn't want more space, storage and comfort? Well, not people who are part of the Tiny House movement in the USA, defined by living within 400sq feet of living space. But why should you squeeze your whole life into such a small space? Well, there are some very good reasons.