Keep yourself up to date on all things Home Connect. Here you’ll find all the about the app’s new features, upcoming events and announcements from Home Connect partners. Stay tuned – great news are just around the corner!

Your smart fridge has just gotten much cooler!
What’s too cool for school? Not Home Connect smart fridges – because they’ve just learned how to make your life significantly easier. Now, thanks to object recognition feature, the app will be able to identify and digitally label around 60 types of most common fruits and vegetables. On-screen icons will tell you whether your food belongs in or out, which shelf should you move it to and provide useful storage tips. All of that to help you keep things fresh.

Home Connect partners up with finish365!
Great news – your favourite brand of dishwasher tabs will always be at your fingertips. Set up a counter and Home Connect will notify you whenever you’re running low. From there, it’s just a click to a convenient refill. Now one thing is off your mind for good: your dishware is going to get that perfect finish, 365 days a year.

Tarte flambee is flat out fantastic (recipe of the month #1)
Looking for some culinary inspiration? Look no further than Home Connect cookbook. Today, it’s time for tarte flambée. It’s a simple flatbread – just onion, bacon and cream spread on a thin crust – but there’s nothing flat about its flavour. Serve it hot for dinner or as a cold appetizer and it’ll be gone from the table in no time!
Don’t have a Home Connect app? Not a problem: you can explore all the recipes in the demo mode. Try it now!